why disciple?
as Jesus was preparing to leave his disciples and return to heaven, he commanded his followers to go and make disciples who would then, in turn, make disciples:
“go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that i have commanded you. and behold, i am with you always, to the end of the age.”
—matthew 28:19-20
we are invited into this disciple-making process:
- to know, follow, and enjoy God ourselves
- to say to others, “follow me as together we follow Christ.”
it’s commanded, life-giving, growth-producing, and desirable for those pursuing the Lord.
1:1 discipleship opportunities
one of the most effective ways to encourage growth is to enter into a one-to-one discipling relationship with another person: studying God’s word while walking through life together.
to facilitate that growth, we have created foundations: a resource to help followers of Christ know God more deeply through his word while discipling others.
the goal of foundations is that all would walk away with:
- a stronger grasp of truth
- an increased hunger for God’s word
- a greater confidence to study the bible
- a deeper awe of God
the completed version of foundations is now available. click here to access the digital version. if you have any questions, please email discipleship@matthiaslot.com
download foundations
click the button below to view all digital downloads available for foundations.
group discipleship opportunities
throughout the year we offer several opportunities to grow as a follower of Jesus alongside others. some of these groups are offered periodically, while others are ongoing.

meeting with God is an eight-week journey to discover deeper intimacy in your relationship with God.

1:1 discipleship workshop is a two-hour opportunity to further equip those who want to disciple others.

neighborhoods to nations is a 10-week journey with hands-on equipping in how to share Christ with the lost around you.

lot fam is a group of people who gather on sundays that are learning to pursue Christ together.

college equip is a five-week journey exploring our identity in Christ and God’s calling on the lives of college-aged men and women.

sLi equips and sends servant leaders through the local church for gospel work in the world.
contact us
email us for more info on upcoming sessions, other church opportunities, or any questions you may have.