looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. [hebrews 12:2]


“the shame of my sin is not in my cross to carry.” – john piper


i need to read and hear that line over and over again.

“the shame of my sin is not in my cross to carry.”

why? how?


because Jesus it bore it on HIS cross – i don’t carry it on my cross. (luke 9:23)

the cross of Jesus is a place of freedom because Jesus took our bondage to sin.

that bondage = all your guilt, all your shame, all your powerlessness to fight sin, and all your punishment for your sin.


and one of the things you are free from now in the work of Christ – is shame for your sin.

Jesus took it – “despising” it – but he took it.


it was shameful to hang on a tree. a curse according to the law. (galatians 3:13)

he was seen as shameful to the people of israel – he was despised. (isaiah 53:3)

but heart this truth again – he took on all your shame – so you could let go of your shame forever.


how do we walk daily carrying our cross – without carrying shame for our sin?

faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.


“the righteous shall live by faith.” (romans 1:17)


we must daily entrust (faith) our soul to the truth that Jesus bore our sin and shame fully (the gospel).

we must daily trust that Jesus’ work was enough for all our sin and shame and walk in this truth or we will walk in the lie that we need to carry this shame.


today if you do not have enough faith to walk in the truth of the gospel – ask Jesus. he is the “founder and perfecter of our faith” as hebrews 12:2 says. he began your faith – he can perfect it through his power. ask him to increase your faith in his person and work. he is enough. he is more than enough.



~ john ryan