not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. [hebrews 10:25]
65%% of the u.s. population identifies as being a christian while only 25% attend church at least monthly ( the sad attendance rate of those who attend much less are active in their local body of Christ is indicative of their view of community and the important role that it plays in the life of a believer.
now you are Christ’s body and individually members of it. [1 corinthians 12:27]
for many of us, we have to fight for community. we have to stop making excuses about our personality. we have to take off our badges of business that distract us from the best use of our time, which should be resting in the presence of God and actively participating in community.
we at matthias’ lot have intentionally structured our lot families to be multigenerational and diverse in seasons of life. it is a group in which we can be known and truly know and live life with other believers.
as the only single woman close to my age in my lot family, it could be easy in the flesh to want to try out lot families to find more friends my age or to not come at all. but I don’t come to lot family to find people my age and season of life. i come to encourage others in their giftings. i come to lead. I come to teach. i come to disciple.
I come to serve.
and as others are doing the same for me, I also leave encouraged and edified.
each day is a day closer to Jesus’ returning. there is no time to waste in not being an active member instead of a passive spectator. Jesus came to serve and paid the ultimate sacrifice, so let’s look to his example in how we serve those around us.
where’s your heart coming into lot family?
for just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. [romans 12:4-5[
~ natalie schmidt