to him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. [acts 10:43]
to him all the prophets bear witness
Jesus coming to save us by dying a substitutionary death was not a “patch” on God’s plan, nor a last-minute switch—it was God’s plan from the beginning. from creation to abraham to david and all the prophets, God had been promising this very thing. Jesus is not the end of the law and prophets, but their fulfillment. from the beginning God, father, son, and Spirit, counted the cost of creation—and chose to create us nonetheless.
everyone who believes in his name
despite the great cost our salvation came at, the death of God’s beloved son, God requires nothing from us, except that we believe in his name. we don’t have to clean up first, or do any other good deed to earn God’s grace—belief alone, which God gives us, allows us to receive the fullness of God’s gift of salvation, of eternal life in glory with him. what a gracious God we serve! what a loving God we serve—who gives us everything, in full knowledge that we will betray him and serve other idols time and time again. Christ has a wayward bride in us, yet he calls us his beloved and does not cast us out. oh, my heart, do not forget the steadfast love God has for me!
~ stephen hall