trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. [proverbs 3:5-6]
right now,
let’s ask the Lord,
to increase our trust in Jesus as Lord.
let’s ask him to increase our trust that he is Lord …
- over our circumstances
- over our successes
- over our failures
- over our family
- over our friendships
- over our marriage
- over our job
- over all that he has given and allowed in our life at this moment.
let’s ask him to increase our trust in Jesus as Lord …
- with our whole heart
- holding nothing in our hands
- surrendering every relationship, every dream, every desire, every plan
- offering all we are to whatever he asks of us.
let’s ask him to increase our trust in Jesus as Lord …
- not based on how “pleasant” things are at this moment
- not based on what logic says
- not based on what others are saying
- but solely based on the truth that he is God
- his ways are above our ways
- his ways are always good.
right now,
let’s ask the Lord,
to increase our trust in Jesus as Lord.
~ john ryan