if then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. when Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. [colossians 3:1-4]


we are no longer citizens of a fallen world.


when we first come to know Christ, with true understanding of the heart, with a love for him as Savior and as Lord over us, and with a joyful desire to walk in his ways, this is not because we finally were intelligent enough. it’s not because we could finally muster up enough resolve to do the right thing. it’s not because someone finally explained it in a way that made sense to us.


when we first come to know and love Christ, seeing him as he truly is, it is because something miraculous and divine has happened. we have been filled with the Holy Spirit, giving us eyes to see and ears to hear. we have been given new life, a new name, a new family, a new purpose in life. our old self along with our enslavement to our flesh has died as we were transferred from a kingdom of darkness to Christ’s kingdom of light. we receive the spiritual blessings that come along with this transfer. our sin is forgiven, our debt paid, our freedom purchased. we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ, granted access to the throne room of the Father. we are redeemed, reconciled to the Father, and raised to new life just as Christ himself was raised to life, because we are now in him. we are now sons of God and heirs to the inheritance of Christ, having been adopted in mercy and grace and love.


can we all just take a minute to marvel at all he has done in us and for us? in a moment, our life and our world was turned upside down. we were granted a whole new life and purpose!


we didn’t have full understanding of our new life and purpose in that moment. the truths of these blessings and promises take a lifetime to unfold in our minds through the steady work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. but slowly and surely, our lives do change. our thinking changes, our desire changes, our conviction changes. the things of this earth grow strangely dim in the light of the glory and grace of Jesus Christ. this work of the Spirit, however, does not negate the responsibility we have to walk in the Spirit. these verses are commands. so as the Spirit works, we walk in step with him. when we walk in step with him, the Spirit works. [gal 5:16]


where have you seen the light of Christ change your desires? what things of earth have grown strangely dim to you? praise him for his faithful work!


where do you need the light of Christ to change your desires? what things of earth are still bright in your eyes? where do you still cling to the old self and the old purpose? ask him for a mighty work in your heart!


as citizens of heaven, our spirits long for home. as strangers in a foreign land, the ways of the world seem so fruitless and unfulfilling. so until Christ comes to gather his bride to live in the glory of his presence for all of eternity, may we set our minds on the things above and not the things of this earth. our lives are hidden with Christ in heaven!



~ arwen eastman