for this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. for the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. [2 corinthians 4:17-18]
the transient and the eternal
in this life now it feels as if the things of God are the transient ones and the things of this world are the permanent ones, doesn’t it? God showing up and convicting us, energizing us, or leading us often fades away as we return to the bustle of our daily lives. in the end, we will see that the opposite is the truth.
when we live in this way, we show a bit of our hand, that at least in some ways we’re “playing church” for a couple hours, then get back to “real life.” what if God was the main thing, and all the rest faded in and out? what if instead of “playing church” and then getting back to our job, we started having God at the center of the way we did our jobs? what if instead of “playing church” and then getting back home to our families, God was the focus of our family time?
when the scripture commands that we “pray without ceasing” (1 thess. 5:17), what part of your life do you think is an exception to that? whatever that area is, i will encourage you to test this with scripture: there is no category of this life God doesn’t care about and can’t be just as present with you in as he is when you are brought to tears in worship, or are stirred to action in his word. God can bring himself into every area of our lives, so that we can be led by the Spirit in the mundane, the sabbath, the work, the play, and everything in between. as we grow in letting him invade it all, we will truly see that this life is the passing thing, and it’s God and his kingdom that are eternal. Lord, help us believe it, and taste it!
~ stephen hall