for i long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—

that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. [romans 1:11-12]


“mutually encouraged”


what a calling!

what a gift!

what a … hard thing to make happen.


seems like encouragement is often one-sided.

we work hard to pursue, love, encourage … and little flows back.

others work hard to pursue us, love us, encourage us … and for some reason little flows back from us to them.


a couple of things i believe the Spirit wants us to pray into today.


first truth – we encourage others because we have been encouraged by the presence of the Spirit in us who is known as the “encourager”. in john 14:16, Jesus says, “i will ask the father, and he will give you another helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth.

the word “helper” here in the esv – is the word parakletos (greek) in the original language. it means one who comes alongside to comfort, help, encourage, pour into!

notice all Jesus said …

  • “another helper” – so Jesus is the first who continues to encourage and pour in.
  • “forever” – the Spirit will never leave us and he will encourage and pour in always.
  • Spirit of truth – his encouragement is not just flattery – but truth that builds us up.


you have been and continue to be encouraged by the Spirit and that is why we encourage and pour into others – not to get it back from them. we don’t give to get or we are not giving as the Spirit gives to us.

first prayer – Lord, help us receive from you and give from you as you give to us! empower us to be filled by your Spirit even today!


second truth – we need to pray for the desire to encourage and be mutually encouraged. and, we must speak out this calling of mutual encouragement that is from the Lord.

so often, i don’t ask for the Lord to increase his desires in me. this is HIS desire – that we long to pour into others. ask for it. and it is his desire that we speak this out loud like paul did. he didn’t hide his longing to give or to see the church in rome learn the joy of pouring out.

second prayer – “Lord whether others give back or not, let them receive your encouragement and make my heart full from your Spirit. but o Lord, help others learn the joy of pouring out by encouragement and leading. help me pray for this longing and the courage to speak this out. ”


go – in the Spirit’s power – and ask for his power to pour out; while, encouraging others to learn the joy of pouring out!



~ john ryan