take a big deep long breath this morning –

and give yourself time –

time to wait on the LORD.


father – hear our prayer,

– open the eyes of heart to see your truth,

– open our ears to hear your voice,

– open our hands to give you full control of our lives,

– feed us today from your word,

– encourage our souls to abide in you and your truth all day,

– and enlarge our heart to run after you and enjoy you,


[take a  moment to pray in your words, in your voice – tell the LORD your greatest need. tell him how you need him, where you need him, and/or maybe even why you need him? take that moment now.]


now hear the voice of the LORD – he is with you.

read his words – one line at a time. and then give yourself a little space to sit in what you just read.

what is God revealing about himself? what is God saying to his son / daugher? what is he asking you to do or believe through the power of his Holy Spirit and the work of his gospel in your heart.

when you are finished reading – ask him to give you one truth, one word, one line to carry with you throughout the day. and then, as the LORD brings it to your mind – think on this word, this truth. ask him questions about it. ask him to unpack it all day. enjoy his presence!


therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, 

and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. 

for the Lord is a God of justice; 

blessed are all those who wait for him. 

[isaiah 30:!8






~ john ryan