who fashions a god or casts an idol that is profitable for nothing? — [isaiah 44:10]



the creator is greater than the created.


this is simply common sense. there is nothing i can create that i could then worship as my creator. nothing i could build and then bow before as something superior. the mere concept is foolishness.

yet this was the practice of many people in the time of isaiah, and the same spirit of idolatry plagues us still today.

the israelites were freed from a culture of idolatry in Egypt, then in the desert attempted to make a calf to worship in place of God. in the same way we replace our worship of Him with created things in response to the culture around us. we worship things that are merely created.

things that hold no eternal value.

things that cannot save.

things that cannot fulfill.

these idols take up their throne in our hearts, and then establish strongholds within us that make us subservient to them. too often we allow idols to take up our time, resources, talents, and become our Gods whether we realize it or not.

perhaps we have not bowed before carved idols, but we have given our hearts away far too freely to unprofitable things. i have also allowed my children to see me do it, and that is perhaps the most painful thing of all.

yet God is not far from each of us. as we repent from our idolatry, from our ability to worship and pour ourselves into anything other than Him, He readily forgives and renews us, restoring the peace and joy that are ours to enjoy in Him alone.

may we be ever alert for any idolatrous thing that creeps its way into our heart, that would take the place of God. and may we be quick to repent of any idols that we would give such a place.


~ jason soroski