i do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that i have often intended to come to you (but thus far have been prevented), in order that i may reap some harvest among you as well as among the rest of the gentiles. [romans 1:13]


confidence in his calling, trust in his timing.


have you ever felt like the Lord really wanted you to do something, and the Spirit was prodding, but the doors were just not opening? you had sought the Lord and sought council. the minute you felt the nudge, you were ready to spring into action, only to be slowed at every step? i know i have felt this many times. my reaction at times is defeat, doubt in the Lord’s calling, doubt in wise council, frustration at the hindrances, impatience. but this is not the appropriate response to the One who upholds the universe by the word of his power!


God’s timing is perfect, and paul knows that in the Lord’s perfect timing, paul will meet the brothers in rome. he will reap some harvest. he will watch the Lord further his kingdom. he is communicating his heart, so as not to discourage these people into thinking that he doesn’t care or isn’t prioritizing them, while at the same time encouraging them also to be patient in the Lord’s timing.


the steps of a man are established by the Lord,

    when he delights in his way;

[psalm 37:23]


when we are rooted and grounded in God’s goodness and his sovereignty, we can patiently and confidently wait for him to move. this doesn’t mean lack of action or lack of effort on our part, but it does mean we prayerfully and open-handedly approach each day delighting in who God is and how he works so wisely in the world. we can be sure that in his faithfulness, he will establish our steps! 


for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. 

[ephesians 2:10]


God has prepared the things we are to do through him and for him long before we were born… even before the foundation of the world was laid! this is good news for us. this means that we cannot thwart God’s plan or hinder his will. he has prepared them, and he will cause us to walk in them. so we can trust that when doors open and close, or maybe if they’re just jammed for a little while, it is our wise Father who is working, in his perfect timing, always for his glory, always for our good.


Father, help us to trust you. help us to be daily walking in your Spirit and delighting in your ways, so that we can freely and joyfully walk in the good works you have prepared for us. thank you for your perfect timing. thank you for knowing exactly what we need. you keep us in perfect peace when our minds are fixed on you because we trust you. Lord, we trust you!



~ arwen eastman