they were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. they are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. they are gossips, [romans 1:29]


this verse is describing the person who does not acknowledge God, and from whom God has removed his restraining power. 


and since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. [vs 28]


this person has proclaimed himself to be wise [vs 22] and devolved into foolish thinking [vs 21]. he has rejected God’s goodness, and so God has removed his goodness from him. this list describes the person who does not see, does not understand, and does not love the goodness of God. therefore, this verse describes every unbeliever.


before a person is called and awakened to the gospel of Jesus Christ, he cannot see and love the goodness of God. this is a work that only the Holy Spirit can do, because a dead man cannot raise himself. a dead man cannot answer a call. a dead man cannot make a choice. he must be  given new life and breath by the Spirit of life and called out of his grave.


and o, the beautiful transformation of life in the Spirit of God! for the follower of Christ, this list, these evil intentions of the heart, have been paid for. he is justified, and he has become the righteousness of God! what unthinkable grace and mercy that our wise and powerful God pours out on his beloved children!


once justified, the Spirit begins the beautiful work of sanctification, the life long process of aligning our hearts and minds to the heart and mind of God. this is the purification of our desires and loves, and the changing of our lives to look more and more like the life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. instead of the fruit of depravity, we begin to bear the fruit of the Spirit.


our unrighteousness becomes his righteousness

our evil becomes his goodness

our covetousness becomes his thankfulness

our envy becomes his generosity

our malice becomes his kindness

our murder or hatred becomes his love

our strife becomes his peace

our deceit becomes his truthfulness

our maliciousness becomes his gentleness

our gossipping becomes his self control


do you see this change in your own heart? rejoice! is the Spirit overflowing from your life in these ways? thank him! do these sins of the flesh still hold sway over your life? repent and cling to Christ! he is powerful to make you a new creation.


o, Father, fill us with your Spirit! may we find in your Son the answer to every evil of our hearts. show us what it means to walk in repentance, and what it means to walk in the Spirit, so that we might resist gratifying the desires of our flesh. satisfy us each day with your steadfast love. we ask it in the powerful name of Jesus! amen.


~arwen eastman