we know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. – [romans 2:2]


the judgement of God


paul continues his assertion that no one gains the kingdom of heaven because of their birth, heritage, deeds, previous knowledge of scripture, or anything other than being saved by Jesus.


we are all deserving of God’s righteous judgement, but in his mercy, He allows us to be cleansed of sin and to experience the joy of His salvation!


it is striking that paul begins this verse by saying ‘we know’ that we deserve God’s judgement. not ‘we are pretty sure’, or ‘probably’, but ‘we know’. there is a certainty that we all can see in humanity that we are fallen. we know instinctively that we are not good enough to merit salvation on our own.


we can easily look at the world around us and know that there is something more. we can see that we are fallen and although we see the evidence of God’s handiwork, we are not seeing the fullness of who He is, or who we can be in Him.


and we know that we deserve punishment because of it.


the judgement of God is not a popular topic. it is easier to speak about his love, his mercy, his grace, and his patience. All of these things accurately describe him, but they are only amplified when we understand, when we know, that we don’t deserve it.


God chooses to show us mercy when we deserve judgement. the law (old testament) gave evidence that the most devout follower cannot reach God on their own. because of Jesus, we don’t have to try.

as we trust in Him, we are no longer subject to God’s judgement, and have the opportunity to share this good news freely and confidently.



~ jason soroski