then what advantage has the jew? or what is the value of circumcision? much in every way. to begin with, the jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. [romans 3:1-2]
raised in the knowledge of God.
this passage is so encouraging to me, and so it should be to every parent who raises their child in the fear and admonition of the Lord. because salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ really is the theme of the book of romans, paul here has to clarify that being a jew, raised among God’s chosen people, versed in the mosaic law, was not to be dismissed.
paul states that it is to the jew’s advantage that he, with the rest of God’s chosen, were entrusted with the oracles of God. why? because God reaches the heart primarily through the mind. (i say primarily because, of course, a mind incapable of knowing God is no hindrance to him.) these chosen people had hundreds of years of being steeped in the knowledge of the Holy. they had come face to face with his character. they had seen with their eyes his mighty power. they had felt the goodness of his awesome presence. they believed God to be true because their parents bore witness to his works. yes, they had an advantage in every way.
as a parent, i know that my children must each in his own heart and in God’s own timing, accept the truth of Christ for himself, trust in Christ’s saving blood for the forgiveness of his sin, and cling to the grace of Christ, continuing in that grace his whole life long. i know i am not promised that all of my children will know Christ and his saving grace. so i pray. i ask that the Spirit do a work that only he can do. i ask for Jesus to open their eyes to his beauty, and that they would understand that only by his blood can they stand before the judgment seat, pardoned from sin and declared pure and clean.
but this passage tells me that it is much to the advantage of my children to be taught the oracles of God. in other words, to disciple my children tirelessly while they live under my roof, to pray God’s truth with them and over them, to wash them in the water of God’s word, and to set a godly example for them to imitate is a priceless gift that i am called by God to carry out, and that i am empowered by the Spirit to walk in faithfully. yes, the work of salvation is the Lord’s. salvation belongs to him. but he has called me to participate, and i am honored to be given such a noble task.
each of us, as followers of Christ, has also been given this noble task. because we are a part of the body of Christ, we are called upon to pass these precious oracles to the next generation, whether they are children of our own blood, or children in the Spirit of God. we are called to raise up our sons and daughters to be worshippers of the Almighty. to know him as holy. to trust him as Savior. to submit to him as Lord. knowledge is of the mind, and understanding is of the heart. and since we cannot change the heart, let us be about the good work of filling the minds of our children with the knowledge of God, that it might be fuel for a fire that the Holy Spirit will ignite in his perfect, beautiful timing.
who are you fueling?
~arwen eastman