and this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” [luke 2:12-14]
“…peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
not sure many have ever really seen or taken in this word from the LORD – thru his angel messenger. notice again: “glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
that is a powerful and beautiful statement in many regards – let’s just focus on a few as we worship and sit in his presence today. (LORD, speak to us now. satisfy our souls with your good presence. we are yours!)
first – who is the focus on, who is the spot light shining bright on – in this dark night on the hills outside of bethlehem? while the shepherds and the sheep are being lit up for sure – the spotlight is truly on God. “glory to God in the highest.”
what a statement! the only one who is worthy of our worship and the only one who is worthy of all worship according to this phrase – is God. “glory” (that is) – show him – in a public display – that is overwhelming – and reveals he is the HIGHEST, GREATEST … most BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL of all. he is the focus of this declaration, this night, … this life, … is all about him!
second – what is being given by God?
PEACE (shalom)
shalom (hebrew old testament word), eirēnē (greek new testament word) – they have a similar meaning. the word shalom means – complete and whole and satisfied.
God is perfect shalom.
he made this earth in perfect shalom.
our sin – broke this shalom – and we have been searching for it ever since. our sin – not only broke this shalom – but in the breaking of shalom is the root of all our fears (that we talked about yesterday). take away shalom – and fear erupts. what is God giving or restoring back to people on the earth? he is giving his perfect shalom (“peace on earth”).
what a glorious God!
third – who is this peace for?
this peace according to this passage is for those “with whom he is pleased!”
what does this mean?
this means a three of things. 1) we can be unpleasing to God or we can be pleasing. the word of God tells us our sin makes us “unpleasing” to God. it makes us under his judgment and condemnation.
for the wages of sin is death. [romans 6:23] the soul who sins shall die. [ezekiel 18:20]
2) the word of God also tells us that we cannot remove our own sin and restore shalom to our own soul.
but when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, [titus 3:4-5]
3) it is through the person and work of Christ that we are made right with God (pleasing) – so we can once again enjoy the shalom of God.
for God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [john 3:16]
the gift of God that causes us to celebrate Christmas is Jesus – who restores our shalom – and casts out all fear.
the gift of God is not given to those who work for it, who don’t think they need it, who think they deserve it, or who give him lip service, while rejecting their need for him in their heart.
the gift of God is for those who see their need for a savior – who see they are unpleasing – and cry out to God’s mercy to be made pleasing by the gift of Jesus’ life and work.
today – have you been made pleasing to God – by the gift of God – Jesus?
you can cry out to him right now and ask to be made pleasing by Jesus who came and lived, and died, and rose again to make you pleasing to God. we should have lived sinless – but could not. we should have died under God’s judgment and condemnation – but Jesus took our place. and then Jesus did what we could never do – raise from the dead!
cry out to this wonderful – beautiful – powerful – savior … “Jesus, make me pleasing to God by your work!”
cry it out! and he will save – you!
“for unto you is born this day … a savior!” [luke 2:11]
for those of you who cried out to be saved many days ago… many years ago…
cry out now in praise!
let him hear you!
and ask him this Christmas – to live more fully in his shalom. this is his gift. this is who he is. ask for it!
~ john ryan
(on a separate note: we want you to know these presence writings will stop on december 31, 2024 – in one week. these began as covid erupted to help us be in the presence of God when we were ripped from the presence of each other. we believed they have served their purpose and run their course. many are now – engaging in his presence daily through the word. we will share more in the coming days. merry Christmas – and enjoy the presence of our Savior!)