i wait for your salvation, Lord, and i follow your commands. [psalm 119: 166]
waiting is a foreign concept to most of us. impatience, lack of fulfillment, disarray, and insecurity in what is to come – this is what the wait period often looks like for us. yet, the psalmist has a different idea as to how to live in the waiting period. without clarity of resolution, a peace that surpasses understanding washes over the psalmist because he knows that as he follows God’s commands he will be led by God, his God, who has greater provision. no matter what you are waiting for, God gives us time to prepare for what is to come. a chance to rely on him and his provision. therefore, we can have peace – shalom – in the midst of uncertainty.
it is one thing to say, “i want to align my life with God’s timing and seek him”, and it is another to live that out. whether it is crying out to God through prayer, personal and interpersonal accountability or another way to connect with him – God wants us to draw close to him. he gave us a whole book to reference when we lose sight of the big picture! there are certain practices we are all called to (prayer, read the bible, etc.), yet how one person glorifies God may look different from the next. the most important thing is, God is our salvation, and he calls us to draw close to him.
“what God does in you while you wait might be as important as what you are waiting for”- max de pree
the Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. [lamentations 3:25]
~ angela younger